Chemical 100% loses all nutrients during the refining process

Chemical 100% loses all nutrients during the refining process


Almost everyone knows that white sugar is a hollow substance that has no nutrients except calories. But what is the white sugar? How is it refined?

The origin of white sugar is vegetable, as it is obtained by processing and refining plants such as cane or beets to obtain the sweet juice from them through cooking and mechanical and chemical treatment, where all the components in the original plant are excluded until only the sugary substance remains. 

Ditch the white sugar for a week and you'll feel the difference

This is done by mixing the sugary sap with water and lime, then exposed to heat to evaporate most of the water, and then treated by vacuum until all moisture is withdrawn from it and turned into solid crystals. It is then re-boiled to dissolve the crystals with heat, and then passed through charcoal filters to condense the crystals. Then they are bleached using bone powder (in the West they use pig bone powder to whiten sugar!)

The result of the refining process is white sugar, which is 100% chemical because it lost 64 nutrients during the refining process, including all mineral elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphate, sulfur, and all vitamins, amino acids, fiber, fats and enzymes, meaning that after refining it becomes a deficient substance! ! By the way, all manufactured sweeteners like corn syrup and maple syrup go through roughly the same refining process.

What many people don't realize is that nutrition is an integrative process. That is, any food item needs all the elements that are present in it before refining it in order for the body to digest it and benefit its cells from it. The body borrows calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from different cells in the body to be able to benefit from refined white sugar. Here lies the danger, because the body often borrows calcium from different cells to the extent that a person suffers from osteoporosis and tooth decay. And when the body does not have enough reserves of minerals needed to neutralize white sugar (which becomes acidic due to the refining process), the undigested sugar atoms collect in the form of toxins that are concentrated in

Consumption of white sugar causes the worst disease
Consumption of white sugar causes the worst disease

The brain and nervous system lead to what is known as carbon poisoning, which accelerates the process of cell death and deterioration, resulting in a decline in mental abilities in the elderly, and an increase in activity and inability to focus in children.

Over time, these toxins are also concentrated in the blood streams, so the blood itself becomes thick and viscous and cannot reach the fine capillary vessels (and such vessels are found in the gums, for example, which prevents nutrients from reaching the teeth, causing gum disease and tooth decay). The accumulation of these toxins also leads to other problems such as the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

On the other hand, consuming white sugar leads to the worst disease, diabetes, which destroys cells in the whole body!! Diabetes is the inability of the pancreas to secrete sufficient amounts of insulin when a person eats large amounts of sugar. Eating white sugar causes the body to go into shock due to the rapid rise in the level of sugar in the blood. The recurrence of this condition leads to exhaustion of the pancreas and thus its failure.

The best solution is to avoid white sugar as much as possible, especially in drinks such as tea, coffee, juices, and worst of all, soft drinks. One can of it, of normal size, contains 12 teaspoons of refined sugar. 

To feel the strong negative impact of white sugar on health, abstain from it completely for only one week, and you will notice the difference in the lightness of the body, activity and vitality of the mind.

Dr. Raymond Francis
Dr. Raymond Francis

starvation of cancerous cells New concept of treatment

Ban sugar for 42 days.. carcinogenic cells die

Sugar is the food for these cells

Dr. Raymond Francis has written three amazing books:

  1. 🌿 Never get sick
  2. 🌿 Don't be afraid of cancer
  3. 🌿 Never be fat again

🌿 Dr. Raymond wrote these books after going through an experience and illness in which doctors were desperate for his condition at the age of 45

🌿 Today he is 75 and he has not had any disease during the past fifteen years except for a cold and once

🌿 The key that Dr. Raymond talks about in his three books is:

Avoiding sugar completely, in addition to exercising and following a diet that provides the body with its needs

The doctor said:

🌿 Sugar is the cause of cold and flu

🌿 Eating a tablespoon of sugar reduces the body's immunity by 50%

🌿 Drinking a can of Cola lowers the body's immunity for 6 to 8 hours because it contains a large amount of sugar

🌿 Sugar causes Alzheimer's

🌿 Sugar is a food for cancer cells, and cancer can be prevented and treated by abstaining from sugar

🌿 Sugar causes all heart diseases

🌿 Sugar causes weight gain

🌿 Sugar causes fat storage

🌿 Every human disease has a relationship with sugar

Doctor says:

🌿 Parents do not accept that their children smoke or drink alcohol, but they buy sweets that are more dangerous than smoke and alcohol itself.

🌿 Very important and very useful books, the summary of which is to abstain from sugar for all

*Dr. Salih Fayez's graduation research at Frankfort University in Food Hygiene Useful information:

🌿 (Yogurt) is the highest source of calcium, as a cup of yogurt contains 450 mg. of calcium. So make it one of your daily food especially low fat

🌿 (Peppermint) is a medicine that stimulates the heart and blood circulation, if it is drunk regularly, as it is a laxative for the stomach and intestines, and chewing it relieves dental pain and removes mouth odors.

To eliminate the acidity of the stomach, drink a cup of boiled mint without adding sugar

(Peppermint) relieves gases, strengthens the liver and pancreas, calms coughs, calms nerves and cases of anger, and it is a detoxifier and a diuretic, as well as a good food digester.

🌿 Soft drinks increase the size of a woman's waist, even if it does not lead to an increase in her weight

🌿 A common mistake is to leave the wound without covering it until it dries. The correct one is to cleanse and bandage it so that it heals quickly by 40% more

🌿 Soft drinks cause: osteoporosis, heart and kidney problems, obesity and diabetes, tooth decay

🌿 The danger of energy drinks for children is that they cause accelerated pulse, convulsions, strokes, and sudden death

🌿 (Green tea): great for its antioxidants that can protect you from cancer

🌿 (Salmon), apples, grapes, cherries, cranberries and spinach are types of food that protect brain cells and strengthen memory.

🌿 A common mistake: saying that drinking water during or after eating causes rumen and makes digestion difficult.

And it is correct: that water does not cause the rumen and helps digestion better than others

Be sure to drink a glass of water when you wake up from sleep to compensate for the loss of fluids during sleep and to purify the body of toxins

🌿 (walking): for 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week protects you from: heart disease sugar depression blood pressure cholesterol

🌿 (Garlic): Helps reduce the chances of cancer due to its ability to raise the immune system

🌿 (Ginger): Eating it hot in the evening helps burn fat and remove toxins from the body.

May God forgive us and you from diseases and may God heal every patient .

Source: website

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