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 Risk Warning

RISK WARNING AND DISCLAIMER Risk Warning - Leverage and Margin Trading: 

 Trading in financial markets such as global and local stocks, trading futures contracts, options, trading currencies - forex - and others, especially when it contains financial facilities or leverage, is a matter that involves a very high risk to your investments. 

Therefore, we advise everyone who wants to enter this type of trade to be careful and cautious in their investments, and to be fully aware of the amount of risk that may be inflicted on their money in terms of losses, which in some cases may exceed the capital that was invested. 

And advises the management of the Arab Trader's website Any investor, before deciding to enter this type of trade, should arm himself with the weapon of science and knowledge, be careful in his investment objectives, and calculate the amount of risk that may accompany it. 

The markets go against all expectations, so if you cannot bear this kind of risk, we do not recommend entering this type of trade at all because it may negatively affect your standard of living and personal life due to the loss in the market.

 Compliance with the laws and regulations of countries: Alert the management of the Arab trader's website Investors not to deal with companies, individuals or financial institutions that are not licensed or monitored by reputable supervisory authorities with executive authorities and strict control policies in order to preserve them from falling into fraud and fraud, and alert investors not to be drawn into marketing messages and loose phrases that promise profit in the financial markets. She flirts with the idea of ​​getting rich quickly, and cautions not to pay attention to offers of account management that reach them through phone calls, online marketing messages, or text messages.The site management also warns that the brokerage companies on the Arab Trader’s website are just advertised companies and that the site is not responsible at all for dealing with any of these companies, and your decision to deal with any of these companies is a purely personal decision, so the site management advises before dealing with Any brokerage company online in general or on The Arab trader site in particular, that you check everything related to the brokerage company yourself. 

You should also check and pay attention while dealing with these companies and ensure that they are organized and that they obtain the necessary licenses to operate in your country and that they are subject to supervision. Information and analysis on our website: The information, news, research, reports, opinions and all content on our website are not directed to the general public in any country, and it is not intended to publish or distribute such data, information or content to persons residing in countries where this type of publication may be contrary to laws or Requires certain licenses. Also, all this information and content on the site in general is information for general use only and is not provided as an offer or encouragement to buy or sell a commodity, currency or financial instrument in the financial markets. And that all these contents are subject to change, update or correction at any moment without prior notice. 

 No consideration has been given to the investment objectives or financial condition of specific persons or persons when preparing this information, statements or reports. 

Any indication of price movements and levels or expectations of future price movement is just information based on general analyzes and does not in any way mean that prices will move to those levels in the future. 

Some or all of this information, reports, analyzes and contents were obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but the Arab Trader website does not guarantee its accuracy or validity and the Arab Trader website is not responsible No liability for any direct or indirect loss that may result from reliance on any such information, analyses, reports, statements or opinions on the Site.

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