The title tag, in English “META TITLE”, is one of the fundamentals of natural referencing. Composed of only a few words, the latter is used by search engines when displaying your web page in search results. This affects not only your positioning, but also your click-through rate.
What is the “META TITLE” tag?
The META TITLE is an HTML tag corresponding to the title of your web page. Systematically located at the top of the document in the header of the HTML code (), it is framed by the tags. It is used by search engines to understand the content of your page. It is this same tag that is displayed as the title of your page when it appears in the results of Google or any other search engine.
Attention ! The META TITLE should therefore not be confused with the H1 tag. If the latter is visible to Internet users directly on the site, this is not the case with the title tag.
Title tag and natural referencing
The function of the title tag is to inform search engines about the theme of the page. It is therefore the very first signal sent in particular to Google when it crawls the page in question. Thanks to this first information, the engines are better able to fully understand what it is about and therefore, to better evaluate and better position the page in the SERPs.
Meta TAG |
Even if this is obviously not the only criterion taken into account for your positioning, it can still influence depending on the expressions and keywords of the title tag. In fact, optimizing the META TITLE is therefore the very first "on page" optimization that needs to be worked on.
How to optimize your “META TITLE”?
Because it is aimed at both Internet users and search engines, the perfect optimization of the title tag and a subtle compromise between SEO issues and an essential attractiveness from a marketing point of view.
How many characters?
In SERPs, the length of any page's teaser is limited in length to a certain number of pixels. However, it is generally agreed that this corresponds to about sixty characters.
Beyond this limit, the search engine will itself truncate the title. This may then no longer have any meaning and have a downward impact on your visibility or the number of visitors to your page from Google.
1 page = 1 balise TITLE
The purpose of the title tag is to inform about the subject of the page on which it is located. A blog, an e-commerce or a showcase site being composed of pages with necessarily different content, each of them must have a logically different META TITLE.
Inserting keywords
Any META TITLE must contain the keyword of the query you are targeting. Thus, if we take the example of a shop with a category “perennial orange flowers”, we should logically find between <title> and </title> the key expression “perennial orange flowers”.
Attractiveness of your hook
No search engine today is able to measure the attractiveness of your catchphrase.
En revanche, pour savoir si celle-ci est effectivement pertinente, celui-ci s’appuie sur un certain nombre de critères, au rang desquels le taux de clic (CTR) ou encore le taux de rebond.
Balise titre : quelles sont les erreurs à éviter ?
Outre le fait de négliger l’importance de la balise title, l’erreur la plus fréquente est de vouloir trop l’optimiser, par exemple en insérant un grand nombre de mots clés ou en répétant volontairement certains termes.
Whether intentional or not, this over-optimization is very likely to be interpreted by search engines as spam or a desire to manipulate results. However, such practices going against Google guidelines are sanctioned by a penalty from the search giant. The over-optimization of meta tags can therefore have the opposite effect of that intended and lead to a loss of visibility.
Is automation synonymous with dangerous practices?
Black Hat SEO is often associated with automation while White Hat SEO is presented as a technique that is not, implying that automation is necessarily bad for SEO.
In fact, a good SEO who respects the guidelines imposed by Google can completely automate certain tedious or repetitive tasks. This is the case, for example, for automatic redirections, 404 error detection, internal linking or the integration of Internet user requests into a section of its page, essential tasks that can be fully automated without risking infringing the Google guidelines.
It is understood that BlackHat techniques present risks for the medium and long term visibility of your site, and today very few companies will offer you this type of service., for example, only offers WhiteHat services in correlation with Google guides.
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