All over the world it is customary to approach the issue of information protection responsibly. Our experience shows that in Russia this principle has become an integral part of the activities of the most progressive companies. Meanwhile, with the development of the Internet and electronic document management, this problem began to concern literally every organization.
When we say that a company needs reliable protection, we mean that it can be provided not by isolated measures, but only by a well-thought-out integrated approach - an information security system. The very concept of "information security system " means that it should be a well-organized set of special means, methods, technical and organizational measures, and service solutions that will effectively prevent unauthorized access to information, its leakage or disclosure. That is, the information security system makes it possible to ensure such a state of affairs in the organization when the vulnerability of information is minimized, and for especially valuable information it is excluded. In addition, its integrity and availability is guaranteed in accordance with the differentiated user rights.
For this, the information security system uses various software and hardware tools and is based on a clear security policy. It is necessary to consider and take into account many issues, many of which require a fairly narrow specialization and deep knowledge. Therefore, when creating an information security system, we employ several specialized specialists.
First of all, we recommend creating an optimal legal framework. Based on the specifics of your activity, requirements and the degree of importance of information flows, we will develop and propose a corporate information security policy. It should include regulations formally approved by the company's management that define how the organization processes, distributes and protects information, rules and norms of user behavior.
In addition, the policy defines the main threats, as well as those measures and means of protection that will be used by the information security system, the procedure for their application, organizational work to protect information, a list of duties of officials. We proceed from the premise that the information security system should provide a group of users with the ability to process information of various levels of secrecy without violating access rights.
After that, we carry out technical and organizational work aimed at reducing risks and ensuring the required level of information security.
The information security system provides for the integration of specific solutions:
- Differentiation of access rights to information;
- Implementation of user authorization and authentication systems;
- Using cryptographic protection;
- Information backup and disaster recovery;
- Web traffic and email control;
- Anti-virus protection, detection and prevention of intrusions;
- Firewalls;
- Creation of a control system for technical means ensuring information security;
We will help you implement an effective information security system of any level. In addition, our competencies are also strong in the following areas:
- Information security audit and risk assessment
- Development of a security policy and concepts for building a reliable information security system
- Creation of secure computer systems and corporate networks
- Implementation of technical protection systems
- Professional service support of IT infrastructure
We integrate information security systems in various industries and with different levels of customer requirements for information security.
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