Technology and dangers of 5G

Technology and dangers of 5G


In summary

  • The benefits, but also the dangers of 5G are real
  • 5G will increase electrosmog
  • 5G will multiply the number of connected objects
  • 5G can boost economy with potential revenue of $12.3 trillion
  • 5G could make a large number of people sicker according to some scientists and, as a result, pose problems for economic growth: the dangers of 5G are therefore at several levels
  • 5G will allow much faster data transfer
  • If operators can deploy these technologies, it's because we let them: we are therefore all responsible at our level. Hence the importance of being aware of the dangers of 5G.

The first generation wireless technology (1G) allowed the exchange of sounds, therefore voices. The second generation wireless technology (2G) allowed the exchange of sounds and texts, and consequently the advent of texting, the famous SMS. Third-generation (3G) wireless technology has enabled the use of the Internet. Fourth-generation (4G) wireless technology has enabled faster data exchange between people. Finally, fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology is paving the way for the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is a cutting-edge technology where usually unconnected objects in our environment (e.g. lamps, machines, clothes, etc.), whether physical or virtual, have the ability to communicate with each other in real time. This network of objects allows the sharing of their data without human intervention, thanks to the optimization of interactions between humans and machines and the multiplication of data flows. This optimization of interactions will also provide access to personal data and therefore poses the problem of the privacy policy of your accounts (banking, emails, or other). It would seem that one can rightly speak of the dangers of 5G. This optimization of interactions will also provide access to personal data and therefore poses the problem of the privacy policy of your accounts (banking, emails, or other). It would seem that one can rightly speak of the dangers of 5G. This optimization of interactions will also provide access to personal data and therefore poses the problem of the privacy policy of your accounts (banking, emails, or other). It would seem that one can rightly speak of the dangers of 5G.

The evolution from 1G to 5G has gone hand in hand with a rise in power, a rise in frequencies, a densification of the electrosmog generated by all kinds of electromagnetic waves. The dangers of 5G are linked to the fact of seeing the human being totally sandwiched in several layers of more or less impacting waves: Wifi, Bluetooth, mobile phones with a more or less high specific absorption rate (SAR).

The dangers of 5g
The dangers of 5G

Cellular heating, the “pot” effect, has already been reinforced with 4G. Take the example of a frog that is plunged into a pot of cold water, the “zero G”. Your frog will be like a fish in water and will feel good there. Turn on the gas under the frog's little thighs. She will start by finding the lukewarm water rather pleasant (the 1G). Put the gas a little stronger so that the water heats up: the frog will find that the water is a little hot, but will adapt to the temperature, especially since the heat will tire it (the 2G). Increase the power of the gas further to raise the temperature of the water: the frog will find the water really too hot, but will not do anything to remedy the situation, because it will be too numb and too tired (the 3G). Continue to gradually increase the power of the gas: the frog will not perceive any sudden change, but will simply begin to cook over a low heat, without being able to give the salutary little kick that would allow it to extract itself from the pot (the 4G). I let you imagine what will happen to the little frog with the dangers of 5G.

Technology and dangers of 5G

5G is an ultra-high-speed mobile wireless telecommunications technology, which uses much higher frequencies than 2G, 3G or 4G. Initially, the deployment of 5G will be done using frequencies ranging from 3400 to 3800 MHz at the level of existing antennas. Secondly, small antennas should appear in street furniture: they could be placed on the side of our roads, for example at bus shelters. These small antennas would operate at a power of 26 GHz, with millimeter waves which allow increased, higher data rates, comparable to those of fiber. Whistleblowers on electromagnetic waves consider that the dangers of 5G for the human and animal population are real.

Waves & Prevention - 5G

Cell towers and the dangers of 5G

To transmit, the 5G antennas will be installed as a priority on the masts already used for the 4G coverage areas. On the other hand, the millimetric antennas which will operate on the 26 GHz range will multiply. 

They will be fixed in the urban landscape, in strategic places: independent billboards or fixed on houses, bus shelters, roadsides, etc. The ANFR (National Frequency Agency) has not yet given its agreement to the use of the 26 GHz frequency band, but has authorized several other frequency bands. 

Throughout this process, it will be important to pay particular attention to the standards and emission thresholds in V/m not to be exceeded to protect against the dangers of 5G. It should also be noted that with the arrival of 5G,

Benefits of 5G and dangers of 5G for our cognitive abilities

5G will have a multitude of technological advantages. It will make it possible to multiply by 10 the flow of information and to have one million connections per km2. With 5G, it will be possible to translate a text simultaneously, to operate on a patient from the other side of the world, or to introduce connected cars and public transport. 

The number of connected objects will increase dramatically: Pampers diapers will be replaced by connected diapers that will signal to parents when to change their baby. Your sweater will change color to let you know it's time to wash it. Your connected mirror will advise you what type of moisturizer to put on your face depending on the outside temperature. 

He may also suggest that you eat a healthier type of food or start a diet adapted to your profile if he notices that you have overindulged during the holiday season. Will we still be able to think on our own? Are the dangers of 5G for our ability to remain autonomous in relation to technology justified? Only the future will tell...

Certain sectors such as agriculture will experience unprecedented technological change with the appearance of a range of connected objects and tools such as drones spreading phytosanitary products, sensors identifying pest attacks on a plot or a need for water. 

In 2025, the turnover of connected or intelligent agriculture should be around 23 billion dollars. By 2035, 5G could create 22 million jobs worldwide and generate $12.3 trillion in revenue.

According to manufacturers, the waves emitted by these small antennas would be returned and not absorbed by human physiology. However, many scientists are convinced that the risk of absorption of these waves by the body is real and highlight the dangers of 5G.

Electromagnetic frequencies and dangers of 5G

The ANFR (National Frequency Agency), which allocates frequencies, has a lot to do with the arrival of 5G. According to several experts in the electromagnetic environment and radar specialists, electromagnetic fog, “electrosmog”, will become even denser with the arrival of 5G. In the 3400 to 3800 MHz band, the 5G base station antennas will have, in terms of electromagnetic radiation, twice the range of the radiation of the 2G, 3G and 4G base stations combined. 

Other 5G frequency bands will also be used: that of 1427 to 1517 MHz, as well as that of 24.25 GHz to 27.5 GHz. With 5G and in the near future, those living near relay antennas will be exposed to power density levels at least three times higher than today. The dangers of 5G are therefore real.

Health and dangers of 5G

Some scientists and doctors such as Professor Martin Pall (professor emeritus at the University of Washington) or Professor Dominique Belpomme (oncologist and specialist in electromagnetic fields) warn of the danger of 5G for health. 

Two CIA studies show that with 5G, the penetration of waves into the body is twenty times greater. It would seem that the risks of exposure to 5G are real: this exposure would cause cellular stress, but also irreversible damage to the body, and would play a role in the meteoric increase in cases of cancers: brain tumors, cancers of the thyroid, of the rectum, as also explained in the investigative documentary “Ondes de choc” by Jupiter Film. 

Faced with this finding, 237 scientists and doctors from 41 countries have asked the UN and WHO for a moratorium to mobilize and apply the precautionary principle. They demonstrated, through their specific knowledge of electromagnetic fields, that their call was justified.

Among the effects of human exposure to radiofrequencies are: damage to the soft tissues of the body and the opening of calcium channels. Exposure to high frequencies causes the onset or aggravation of autoimmune diseases, causes heart problems, increases circulatory and kidney problems, increases the risk of blindness, causes fetal damage and dysfunctions present from birth. . According to Professor Pall and many scientists, 5G waves will penetrate deep into body tissues and will primarily affect small animals as well as insects and plants. 

The wireless industry claims that these millimeter waves will stay on the surface for a millimeter. While the marketing of any medicine is subject to multiple tests and studies aimed at demonstrating that the said medicine is not dangerous for health, there are too few studies on the radiation and the effects of 5G. on the population. 

Even the precautionary principle is not applied, while the impact of electromagnetic waves has been demonstrated by the Bioinitiative report on which the WHO (World Health Organization) based itself to consider these waves as potentially carcinogenic.

Electromagnetic exposure thresholds and WHO recommendations

You should know that the current standards do not fully protect the population, because they are based only on the thermal effect (heating of the tissues). Indeed, the DAS on which the current standards are based studies the effects of cellular heating on a person after an exposure threshold of 6 to 30 minutes. 

However, many scientists assure that the athermal effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by wireless devices are proven before six minutes of exposure. 

The athermic effects already observed and defined by scientists with 4G are essentially reduced fertility, neurological dysfunctions, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, tension, depression, irritability, cancers, apoptosis (cell death), endocrine problems, heart problems such as palpitations or arrhythmias. There are today, in the scientific literature, more than 10,000 studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves at electromagnetic wave values ​​well below the official values. 

It is precisely for these reasons that the Council of Europe recommended, in resolution 1815 of April 11, 2011, to set a long-term prevention threshold at 0.6 V for microwave exposure levels indoors, to reduce this threshold to 0.2 V in the medium term, and to stay there. Associations, including Robin des Toits, are pushing in this direction. 

It is therefore more than necessary to be aware of the dangers of 5G. more than 10,000 studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves at electromagnetic wave values ​​well below the official values. It is precisely for these reasons that the Council of Europe recommended, in resolution 1815 of April 11, 2011, to set a long-term prevention threshold at 0.6 V for microwave exposure levels indoors, to reduce this threshold to 0.2 V in the medium term, and to stay there. Associations, including Robin des Toits, are pushing in this direction. 

It is therefore more than necessary to be aware of the dangers of 5G. more than 10,000 studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves at electromagnetic wave values ​​well below the official values. It is precisely for these reasons that the Council of Europe recommended, in resolution 1815 of April 11, 2011, to set a long-term prevention threshold at 0.6 V for microwave exposure levels indoors, to reduce this threshold to 0.2 V in the medium term, and to stay there. Associations, including Robin des Toits, are pushing in this direction. It is therefore more than necessary to be aware of the dangers of 5G. 6 V for indoor microwave exposure levels, reduce this threshold to 0.2 V in the medium term, and stay there. Associations, including Robin des Toits, are pushing in this direction. It is therefore more than necessary to be aware of the dangers of 5G. 6 V for indoor microwave exposure levels, reduce this threshold to 0.2 V in the medium term, and stay there. Associations, including Robin des Toits, are pushing in this direction. It is therefore more than necessary to be aware of the dangers of 5G.

Safety and dangers of 5G

The recently adopted “Huawei” text never really bore the name of the Chinese telecom giant, but it is the one it will keep. After many tribulations and a vote by the Senate, Parliament approved the bill (known as the “Huawei law”) which aims to secure the deployment of 5G networks in France. 

This law imposes on French telecom operators a new authorization regime prior to the operation of 5G equipment for their networks, which will soon be used for smartphones, but also for autonomous cars, connected companies, or even hospitals.

Before choosing certain equipment, operators must submit an authorization request to the Prime Minister. This will be decided within two months. He may refuse "if he considers that there is a serious risk of harm to the interests of defense and national security" or subject the authorization to conditions. 

Note, for example, that the United States and several other countries have accused the equipment manufacturer Huawei of installing “snitches” for the benefit of the Chinese government. As a result, Americans, as well as Europeans, are very suspicious of Huawei and the electronic components used that could allow the recovery of personal or national data. The dangers of 5G are therefore obvious and it is important to be aware of them when it comes to security issues.

Ecology and dangers of 5G

Connected thermostats will allow you to make real savings: connected taps or showers will reduce water consumption, while connected bins will prevent you from choosing the wrong bin when you dump your waste.

5G risks increasing the bulimia of data consumed with all the ecological consequences that their storage poses in terms of energy consumption . The recycling of old telephones is almost non-existent today since only 15% of telephones are recycled. The forecast of 75.44 billion connected objects is likely to follow the same path as at present if no measures are taken to counter this problem of lack of recycling.

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